
empower generations®

With Jae Hugh

Unleashing the Rebel in Business: Build, Grow, & Dominate

Welcome to the world of Innovators, where we break the rules and build empires. I’m the founder and lead coach of Empower Generations, here to help coaches, freelancers, and rebels like you—our Innovators—forge your path to success.


Set up your business with strong roots.


Learn smart investment strategies.


Create streams of passive income.


Secure your financial future.

What Is The F.I.R.E. Method?

The FIRE Method ain’t your typical wealth-building blueprint. This is a full-on rebel’s guide to taking control of your finances and building generational wealth on your own terms. We’re talking foundation – laying the groundwork for a rock-solid business that can weather any storm. Investment – making your money work smarter, not harder, by putting it in all the right places. Residuals – tapping into income streams that’ll keep fueling your empire long after you’ve clocked out. And estate – protecting your legacy and your wealth for your family’s future outlaws.

This ain’t about getting rich and joining the country club crowd. It’s a full-fledged financial revolution tailored for the entrepreneurs, freethinkers, and status quo-shakers who want lasting wealth without sacrificing their values.

Who Is The F.I.R.E. Method For?

The FIRE Method is for the true mavericks out there – the entrepreneurs who would rather blaze their own trail than follow someone else’s well-worn path. It’s for those who want to call the shots and build wealth their way, without adhering to society’s standard blueprint for “success.”

This is a method for the hustlers who have outgrown the 9-to-5 grind and know they’re destined for more than just punching a timeclock. The forward-thinkers who’d rather build an empire they can pass down for generations than retire at 65 to a golf course.

If you’ve got an insatiable drive to challenge norms and create something from nothing, the FIRE Method is for you. It’s a wealth-building system designed for the renegades – the ones brave enough to take the road less traveled towards true financial freedom.

What is The Process Like?

The path to optimizing your operations and building generational wealth doesn’t follow any cookie-cutter roadmap. It’s a disruptive, rebellious journey that begins by tapping into my FREE outlaw resources. From there, we’ll forge our own trail together through these steps:

1. Unleash the F.I.R.E.

(Free Insights & Rebel Education)
The revolution starts by fueling up on my free, value-bombed content – from blog/podcast rebel-rousing to my subversive email unleashments. Consider this the flint that’ll spark your inner financial outlaw.

2. Reconnaissance Call

In this gritty 45-min session, we’ll do some recon to assess your current operations, financials, and DESIRED endgame. I’ll gut-check if you’re ready to handle my explosive truth-bombs.

3. Enroll in the F.I.R.E. Academy

The real insurrection begins. Through self-paced modules and LIVE sessions, I’ll equip you with the keys to build your foundation, make untamed investments, tap into unstoppable residuals, and fortify your estate.

4. 1-on-1 Coaching Stampede

We’ll go scorched earth together, attacking every aspect of your operations and wealth-building. Bi-weekly strategy sessions, unlimited access to my team, and a whole arsenal of customized growth tactics.

5. Wealth Amplification

Even after our 1-on-1 run, the financial revolution won’t stop. You’ll join my elite alumni network for ongoing training, mastermind sessions, deal flows, and whatever additional firepower you need.

1. Off The Beaten Process Podcast

Wake up from the mainstream money trance with these manifesto-style rants. From blowing up money myths to exposing the rigged system, it’s an all-out assault on financial norms.

2. Jae's Corner Blog

Get an uncensored look at my disruptive thoughts and strategies for building generational wealth outside the system. No sugar-coating, just raw truth grenades.

3. Underground Resource Vault

From renegade investment guides to case studies on unconventional income streams, you’ll find all the munitions you need to kick off your financial upheaval.

4. Subversive Email Militia

When you enlist in the email militia, you’re getting a steady drip of disruptive strategies and market intel straight to your inbox. Fuel for your insurrection, innovators.

5. Innovators LIVE Weekly Broadcast

Join the tribe of financial freedom fighters and Innovators every Monday for a LIVE virtual debriefing, where I share the latest recon on a different wealth topic each week.

Ready to Unleash Your Inner Financial Outlaw?

Before you enlist in the full FIRE revolution, get a taste of the hard-hitting truth bombs and wealth-building intel I’m detonating with these free outlaw resources. Consider it recon training for the financial freedom fight ahead.

Access these free outlaw resources and get a taste of the full disruptive experience. The revolution starts right here, right now – are you ready to spark the FIRE?

Coaching Programs

Ready to break the mold and blaze your trail? Explore our programs:


“I’m About To” one-day seminar.

More Details
  • Overview: A one-day seminar designed to spark your journey. Learn the basics of business formation and get the tools you need to take immediate action.
  • Results: Walk away with a clear business plan and the confidence to execute it.


Flagship coaching program

More Details
  • Overview: Our flagship coaching program that delves deep into the foundational elements of the F.I.R.E. Method. Designed for those ready to take their business to the next level.
  • Results: Build a solid business structure, develop smart investment strategies, and start generating residual income.


Advanced business and income strategies.

More Details
  • Overview: An advanced coaching program for established business owners. Learn how to create multiple streams of income and leverage tax-free account strategies.
  • Results: Diversify your income streams and secure your financial future through advanced business tactics.

FIRE Circle:

Exclusive advanced membership

More Details
  • Overview: Our highest-level membership program. Work directly with Jae Hugh and his network to do deals and create substantial growth.
  • Results: Exclusive access to high-level business opportunities and personalized coaching for exponential growth.

About Me

“Life wasn’t meant to be lived in a box.” This realization changed everything for me. As a young black man from Chicago, I spent years searching for my path, feeling unfulfilled working for others. I explored everything from manifestation to traditional religion without finding my answers.

Starting my first business was a disaster 😊. I had no clue what I was doing, but it sparked a passion I’d never felt before—not in sports or making music.

Fifteen years and many “failed” businesses later, I’ve found success and fulfillment. Those lessons weren’t failures but steps sharpening me to become your coach. I’m here to guide you through business development, helping you grow beyond what you thought possible. “Life wasn’t meant to be lived in a box.” Are you ready to ignite the passion within you?


“The Ignite program’s strategies helped me rapidly grow my real estate coaching business. I tripled my client portfolio in 6 months using their innovative credit funding tactics. If you’re a coach looking to scale, this is the program for you.”

James F

“Before the Ember program, I struggled to find clarity in my business. Empower Generations helped me rediscover my purpose and build a strong foundation. Now, I’m empowered to follow my dreams.”

Melissa B

“Despite years of experience, the FIRE Circle ignited my passions and elevated my revenue and impact. The community support is invaluable, and I’ve grown in ways I never thought possible.”

Jason O

Ready to Break Free and Succeed? Connect with Us Now!