#2: Business Credit… The System They Didn’t Teach You

#2: Business Credit… The System They Didn’t Teach You

Business: In case you didn’t know this is one of the 3 pillars of wealth. You may have been wondering how and where to start with building wealth through business and how to increase your odd’s with business credit? Business credit is one of the least talked about subject’s. Most people think it’s a myth. Some people think no matter what they won’t get approved. Other’s think, it’s just another scam. Are you one of these people? This episodes guest put’s business credit in perspective.

#1: 6 Steps To Your First Income Property

#1: 6 Steps To Your First Income Property

One of the 3 pillars to wealth building is Real Estate. When I was in my 20’s I just knew , to get into real estate, I had to have a lot of money. Even though at that point a lot of money to me was 2k a month, I knew, I just knew, you had to have at least 50k – 100k just to break into real estate. Were you, or are you like 20 something year old me? Are you positive real estate is your way to financial freedom and just don’t know how or where to start? If so, this episode is for you!

3 Online Automation Tools To Free Up Your Time

3 Online Automation Tools To Free Up Your Time

Automation is going to be the way forward for online businesses of the 21st century. Those that automate are going to be the most successful. There is an automation tool for all possible tasks, from email marketing to paid advertising models. The trick is to find the automation tools that fit into your lifestyle and business model. Here are 3 of the better automation tools out there.

Why You Should Consider Creating an Online Course For Your Business

Why You Should Consider Creating an Online Course For Your Business

There are a wide variety of marketing methods at your disposal, such as blogging, video marketing, email marketing, Amazon FBA, SEO, and more. But an online course can be as profitable as any of them, possibly even more so. And they can be easy to create if you already have an eBook or educational material at hand. There are plenty of valid reasons to consider an online course for your business.

Shortcuts to Working Less and Earning More

Shortcuts to Working Less and Earning More

In the 21st century, there is no shortage of ways to optimize earning while minimizing expenditure. There are many options available to online business owners. “Work smarter, not harder” is the mantra of many successful entrepreneurs, and it has a very specific application to online businesses.

5 of the Strongest Online Business Models to Ensure Success

5 of the Strongest Online Business Models to Ensure Success

The choice of online business model can have a huge impact on future success. So be careful when starting out that you select a model that matches your lifestyle. The following are 5 of the best online business models you can make use of to secure financial freedom.