The 12 Brand Archetypes: Understanding Your Brand’s Personality

The 12 Brand Archetypes: Understanding Your Brand’s Personality

In the world of branding, understanding the 12 brand archetypes is crucial for developing a strong and relatable brand personality. These archetypes, first introduced by Carl Jung, provide a framework for understanding the different types of personalities that brands can embody. From the Sage to the Magician, each archetype represents a different set of characteristics and values that can resonate with your target audience. In this article, we’ll explore the 12 brand archetypes and provide examples of well-known brands that embody each one. Whether you’re just starting to develop your brand or looking to revamp your existing one, understanding these archetypes can help you create a more compelling and effective branding strategy.

Get Business Credit That’s Not Linked To Your SSN

With business credit you can:

Obtain vendor credit immediately, and HIGH limit store credit cards shortly after
Get access to fleet credit, cash credit cards, and auto vehicle financing
Get access to credit with no personal credit check or guarantee
Obtain credit that reports to the business reporting agencies, not on your consumer credit reports

#4 How Personal Branding Help’s You Build Wealth

#4 How Personal Branding Help’s You Build Wealth

Business is by far my favorite of the 3 pillars of building wealth. This is because there are endless possibilities. Much like real-estate there is very little that hasn’t been done, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is how you do things. What seperates you from other businesses. It’s all about reaching your ICA (Ideal Customer Avatar) in a way that no one else is. But, how do you do so? What if your ICA is an employer you’re trying to get a job with? What if you’re in an oversaturated industry like custom T-Shirts? How do you build wealth when you’re just starting a new business? Heck, how do you begin to just get customer’s through the door?

#3 Life Insurance: The Least Talked About Pillar

#3 Life Insurance: The Least Talked About Pillar

Life Insurance: In case you didn’t know this is one of the 3 pillars of wealth. A lot of people don’t consider life insurance when building wealth and studying wealth strategies. You may have been wondering how life insurance is a pillar of wealth building, even without being an agent. Or, maybe you were wondering where to start with building wealth through life insurance? Most poeple think life insurance is just in case. Then again, some look at it as something they can’t benefit from so it’s not that important. Are you one of these people? This weeks episodes guest put’s life insurance in perspective.