
Phone: 800-514-5351

Website: https://jjgold.com/

Reports to: D&B and Equifax (can take up to 45-60 days to show on the report)

Description: What started as a primarily jewelry brand and after almost 30 years in business, JJ Gold International now offers a wide variety of personal products and accessories. Most of our products are hand made and finely crafted

To Qualify:
– Entity in good standing with Secretary of State
– EIN number with IRS
– Business address- matching everywhere.
– D&B Number
– Business License- if applicable
– Business Bank account
– Must have a good D&B paydex score of 80 or higher
– Business must be at least 30 days old
– Business Utility Bill (Not older than 90 days)
– Minimum order of $80

To Apply: Online

Terms: Net 30