
#4 How Personal Branding Help’s You Build Wealth

by | Oct 28, 2020

Business is by far my favorite of the 3 pillars of building wealth. This is because there are endless possibilities. Much like real-estate there is very little that hasn’t been done, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is how you do things. What seperates you from other businesses. It’s all about reaching your ICA (Ideal Customer Avatar) in a way that no one else is. But, how do you do so? What if your ICA is an employer you’re trying to get a job with? What if you’re in an oversaturated industry like custom T-Shirts? How do you build wealth when you’re just starting a new business? Heck, how do you begin to just get customer’s through the door?
As the curious wealth seeker that I know you are, you’re probably wondering what the answer to these question’s are. You’ve probably wondered, how does one who is just starting out, set themselves apart in a crowded space like social media?
To help you answer that, I went to Kubi Springer.

How Does Personal Branding Help You Build Wealth?

Kubi will answer some of the questions I’ve seen wealth seekers ask in Facebook groups, in online forums, and in my DM. She will be giving you some tips that you can put in place today, so bring a notebook. Let’s get to wealth building.
You’re going to walk away with your next action steps for building wealth through business and benefiting from Personal Branding!
Kubi Springer Quote From Let's Talk Wealth with Jae Hugh
Here’s a preview of the episode:

  • [00:01:34] What’s the best advice Kubi has ever gotten or given in regards to building wealth. The response was absolutely rivoting. So much so that we had a moment of silence.
  • [00:20:03] Branding isn’t some mystical being. It’s isn’t hard but it isn’t easy. This is where we hear the formula from an expert.
  • [00:27:40] Ok, now we are getting into it. We know how to create that feeling that’s necessary, but, how do we package it and give it to our ICA?
  • [00:31:30] This next step is absoultely imperative to get right. 
  • [00:35:12] You’ve put the work in to build your brand and cultivate your tribe. How do you keep it going? How do you ensure that it doesn’t phase out?
  • [00:40:43] A story about sacrifice that is sure to inspire and motivate you. You won’t believe what Kubi’s ex-husband did to ensure his success at building his brand.

Click here to listen!


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Links mentioned in the episode: